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Irene, Empress of Byzantium, was one of the most dazzling ruler figures of the early Middle Ages. With clever intrigues, diplomatic skills, intelligent intrigues and an unerring sense of power, she remained on the Byzantine throne for decades. Dark legends have grown up around the legendary empress: She is said to have killed her husband and blinded her son.


Origen's stage play by Giovanni Netzer searches for the person behind the myth, questions the systems of power and tells the story of a remarkable woman in the upheaval of the times.



Giovanni Netzer, Director

Martin Leuthold, Costume design

Konstantin Binkin, Light design

Silvia Azzoni, Dancer

Bonnie Paskas, Dancer

Thiago Bordin, Dancer

Edward Lloyd Kitchen, Dancer

Torry Trautmann, Dancer

Marian Dijkhuizen, Singer

Maximilian Vogler, Singer



8 | 9 | 18 | 19 | 20 February 2022 | 17.30 hrs

25 | 26 | 27 February 2022 | 18.00 hrs



Red Tower | Julierpass



Normal | 1. Floor CHF 100.–

Normal | 2. Floor CHF 80.–

Students CHF 40.–



directly to the online ticketing system



Transport to the Julier Pass is provided exclusively by special PostBus services. The fare is included in the admission price. A reservation is required at the time of booking. The exact timetable for the performances up to and including 20 February can be found here; for the other performances here.