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As a professional bass singer and cornetto player, Jedediah settled far from his birthplace in the Pacific Northwest. Allen finished his bachelor's studies in America studying opera, art song, and jazz though his love of early music brought him to the Jacobs School of Music in Indiana to pursue his master’s studies in voice at the Historical Performance Institute under the guidance of Paul Elliot. During this time, Allen’s interest in early brass led him to learn the cornetto, taught there by Kiri Tollaksen. After a short time playing and wanting to further his studies, Jedediah relocated to Europe and completed his master’s studies in Cornetto under the tutelage of Bruce Dickey at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Allen completed an additional master’s program in the AVES (Advanced Vocal Ensemble Studies) program led by Anthony Rooley and Evelyn Tubb. Since establishing himself in Europe in 2011, Allen continues to perform and record with many world-class ensembles such as Ensemble Graindelavoix, Ensemble La Sestina, Ensemble Lamaraviglia, Chant1450, Basler Madrigalisten, Ensemble Orlando Fribourg, Ensemble Corund, and the Schweizer Consort.