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Gregorian chants at different times of the day 2013

The Gregorian chants of Laudes and Complet originate from the claustral life. They announce the beginning of a new day and tell of the evenfall which the ancient people interpret as a sign of death. The chants are based on age-old devotions, telling of suffering, hope, the search for meaning and the nostalgia of paradise. Mankind’s ancient longing for security is an essential subject in the psalms – a theme which occurs throughout world literature. Remarkably done and ageless in Francesco d'Assisis’ «Cantico del Frate Sole», the final chant of the Laudes with which the Origen singers, the «Cantori», welcome the new day.


Laudes | Mistail | 5:30 a.m.

July 17. | 24. | 31. and August 7th 2013


Complet | 9 p.m.

July 14th | Mon | Kirche S. Francestg

July 21st | Celerina | Kirche San Gian

July 28th | Lantsch/Lenz | Pfarrkirche St. Antonius

August 4th | Bergün/Bravuogn | reformierte Kirche


Collection | no reservation required


We would like to thank all involved parishes for their kind hospitality.