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Eno Peçi was born in Tirana (Albania). He was educated at Ballet Academy of Tirana and at the Ballet School of the Wiener Staatsoper. In 2000 he joined the ballet corps of Wiener Staatsoper. In 2003 he was appointed Demi-soloist and in 2009 Soloist of the Ballett der Wiener Staatsoper und Volksoper.


Since Eno Peçi is also active as a choreographer he created several pieces in highly esteemed collaborations. Amongst others  he created «Cut» (2009) for choreo.lab09, «Herzblume» (2013) and «Petruschka» (2017) for Wiener Staatsballett. Furthermore he did choreographies for the opening ceremony of the «Vienna Opera Ball» and for the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert in Burgtheater (2016) he created «Orpheus and Euridike». In 2018 he was located in Vienna with a solo for himself at Future Ball and at the Weltstar-Gala with «Hush», a Pas de Deux performed by Peçi himself and Olga Esina. Lately, his «Swanlake» for the Ballett Chemnitz had Premiere, where he was responsible for the choreography and staging.


Eno Peçi already created several choreographies for Origen Festival Cultural such as «Ereignis aus Karl's Leben» (2014), «Exil» (2015), «Apocalypse» (2017), «Der Letzte Ball» (2018), «Zeitraum» (2019) and «Artus» (2020).

